The Rialto Market in Venice is among the most recommended for shopping. It is a typical and traditional place where fresh food is sold in stalls and stores. The location is part of the attraction of this market, because both the Grand Canal and the Rialto Bridge play the role of decoration of the surroundings.

The Market, its history and curiosities:

The first mentions of this picturesque place are known approximately from the year 1097 when it was fulfilling the function of the main market of Venice and thus it represented the ideal space to exchange, sell or simply carry out diverse commercial activities.

At present it is quite famous for the delicious foodstuffs that are sold here. They say that if you have the opportunity to go there in the middle of the night you will see the arrival of the merchandise coming from the neighbouring islands.

What you will find:

Once you start your tour, you will notice that the market is divided into two large areas called La Erbaria and La Pescaria to impart a bit of order and at the same time to make the visitors unfold more easily.

The part called La Erbaria provides you with fruits and thousands of vegetables, always fresh and appetizing, while in La Pescaria you will find all kinds of fish and seafood such as crabs, rays or squid. We recommend you take the opportunity to savour appetizing snacks followed by a bubbly wine such as prosecco.

Opening Hours: Tuesday to Saturday between 09:00 and 12:00 in the morning, while the fishery starts its services a little earlier.

Address: Ponte di Rialto, Venice, Italy, 30124

  • Schedule: Tuesday to Saturday between 09:00 am and 12:00 pm (noon)
  • Address: Ponte di Rialto, Venice, Italy, 30124

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